Try Stampin on Tuesday #49

By | January 22, 2012

Hi there

We have just returned from a fabulous long weekend spent down at Whakatane, Bay of Plenty -more on that later.

Before we left I started making this card but ran out of time on Wednesday night with all the other things that needed to be done before heading away.  So my first priority on returning was to finish this card in time for the challenges!

So here it is:

I’ve used two challenges – the layout from Try Stampin on Tuesday and the colour combo from ColourQ

I wanted to use a stamp where I could combine all the colours in the image.  This set is perfect and it’s the first time it’s seen ink!

Stamp – Morning Cup, Bring on the Cake
Card Stock – Bravo Burgundy, Wisteria Wonder, Whisper White
DSP – Brights DSP Patterned Stack – Rich Razzleberry
Ink – Bravo Burgundy, Rich Razzleberry, Wisteria Wonder, Island Indigo
Other – Island Indigo Ruffled Ribbon, Decorative Label Punch

Well I’d better get back to the unpacking and washing!  Catch you again soon with some photos from our trip to White Island.


Just Add Ink #100

By | January 17, 2012

Happy 100th Birthday Just Add Ink!

This weeks’ challenge at JAI was to use a crown somewhere in your project. Now I don’t own any stamp sets with a crown so had to borrow the set Clearly for You from my friend – thanks Deb.

I found this a hard one but this is layout I finally settled on:

I’ve used 5 of the 12 stamps from this set to create my card!

Thank you to all the designers (past and present) for the great challenges you set. My NYR this year is to try and participate in more weekly challenges.

Stamp – Clearly for You
Card Stock – Soft Suede, Early Espresso, Very Vanilla
Ink – Crumb Cake, Early Espresso, Regal Rose
Other – 1/8″ Regal Rose Taffeta Ribbon


Happy First Anniversary Yellowbear Stampin

By | January 16, 2012

I’ve just realised that today is Yellowbear Stampin’s first birthday – can you believe it.  I have now been blogging for one year and my posts have certainly changed from a year ago.  It only seems fitting to celebrate my first anniversary by posting a card made for the same person who had the first post and also to try out a new challenge site Freshly Made Sketches (thanks Anna for sharing this site with us).
Sam turns 6 tomorrow and here’s his card:

I was trying to match the sketch with a colour challenge but couldn’t find one with suitable boy colours.  I did however come across this site that had something about Tangerine Tango being the colour for 2012! So I went to my trusty colour coach and the above is what I came up with – I think I’d be lost without my CC.
Stamp – I Dig You
Card Stock – Tempting Turquoise, Old Olive, Whisper White
Ink – Tangerine Tango, Tempting Turquoise, Old Olive
Other – Brights Patterned DSP Stack (Daffofdil Delight), Tempting Turquoise Ribbon
To all of you that have left comments on my posts and encouraged me in my crafting journey – THANK YOU.  I look forward to what the next 12 months brings.


Winner for the FREE pass is …

By | January 16, 2012

Hi there

I have just drawn the winner for the FREE pass for the next session of Stampin Fun and Friends.  I had seven entries – Lisa, Bron, Colleen, Louise, Helen, Amanda & Sharna.  I used to pick the winner:

 Well done Lisa – I’ll be in touch soon.  Thanks Julia for the idea 🙂
I’ll be back later with another post.

Try Stampin on Tuesday & River Rock Challenge

By | January 16, 2012

Hi there

I’ve used this weeks sketch at Try Stampin on Tuesday to make my wedding anniversary card for Phil (had to make sure he wasn’t around at the time).  I used the second colour combo of River Rock, Cherry Cobbler & Marina Mist.

I created a mask using a Post-It note (first time I have tried this technique) to get my two hearts overlapping.  The 10 coloured in hearts at the bottom represent the 10 years we have been married on 19th January :).
We are off to Whakatane on Thursday morning for a long weekend and have booked a trip to White Island (an active marine volcano) for Friday so hope the weather will be good.

Stamp – Clearly for You, A Word for You, Loads of Love
Card Stock – River Rock, Marina Mist, Cherry Cobbler, Whisper White
Ink – Cherry Cobbler, Riding Hood Red
Other – Scallop Circle #2 Die,  Regals Patterned DSP Stack (Cherry Cobbler), Scallop Edge Border, 2 3/4″ Circle Punch, 1 ” Circle Punch, 1 1/4″ Circle Punch, Marina Mist Ribbon

Check back later today for the winner of the FREE pass for the next session of Stampin Fun & Friends.


Lego Card

By | January 15, 2012

Hi there

As promised here is an amazing card I cased from the very talented Marelle Taylor.

Friends of ours eldest son celebrated his 6th birthday yesterday so this design was perfect.

I was really pleased with how it turned out.  I don’t have the Itty Bitty Punch so used the largest circle from the Owl Punch.  I made my bottom two blocks slightly longer than Marelle’s as my circles are were a bit bigger (4 x 2.5cm & 5 x 2.5cm). The stamp is from Bring on the Cake and is perfect as you can customise the card for the age of the recipient – no matter how old they are!  Marelle used Big Top Birthday DSP which I think may just have made it onto my wish list.
For the gift I’ve used the Petal Cone Die with Window Sheets to create this cool box.
I’ve filled it with lollies – which didn’t last long once opened!  This idea came from Nelia Harper.  Glue Dots were used to secure the bottom flaps shut.
This was such a fun project to make and well received by the birthday boy – I’m sure I’ll be making these again.

Card Stock – Pacific Point, Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Whisper White
Ink – Pacific Point, Real Red, Daffodil Delight
DSP – Brights Patterns DSP Stack (Real Red)
Other – White Gel Pen, Dimensionals, Crimper

Card Stock – Real Red
DSP – Brights Patterns DSP Stack (Pacific Point & Daffodil Delight)
Other – Petal Cone Die, Window Sheets, Real Red 1/4″ Grossgrain Ribbon, Glue Dots

Have a great week.

Petite Pocket Triangle Box

By | January 14, 2012

Hi there

It’s our neighbours birthday today so here is the gift that I made using the Petite Pockets die to create a really cool triangle box.  This is such a versatile die.  I will hopefully have some more projects to show over the next couple of weeks.

I got the tutorial for this from Betty Traciak’s blog.  Check it out – she has some amazing projects.

To hold the top closed I’ve punch a hole (using the crop-a-dile) in all three flaps then threaded the ribbon through all three holes.  I’ve knotted the ribbon from the inside of the bottom flap.  This way the box can be re-used 🙂  I filled this with M & M’s.
The card that goes with this box is from an earlier post here.
DSP – Cheerful Treat
Other – Petite Pocket Die, Old Olive 1/8″ Taffeta Ribbon
Be sure to check back tomorrow for an amazing lego card I cased from Marelle Taylor and a gift using the Petal Cone die and window sheets.

River Rock Challenge

By | January 13, 2012

Hi there

Well over at the NZSU blog I gave everyone a colour challenge this week (the colour was randomly picked by my husband from the colour coach) – River Rock, Cherry Cobbler & Marina Mist or River Rock, Not Quite Navy & Tangerine Tango.  I don’t think I’ve used River Rock that much so this was a challenge for me.

I ended up going with the second option.  I’ve used these colours to create a sympathy card for one of the guys at work whose father died over the Christmas break.

The trees were stamped with Versamark then River Rock ink before I embossing them with clear embossing powder – I find it just gives the trees a bit more dimension.  I think this may become my masculine sympathy layout as it’s the third time I’ve used it.
If you like a challenge then why not give this one a go – I look forward to seeing your creation.
Stamp – Lovely as a Tree, Thoughts & Prayers
Card Stock – River Rock, Not Quite Navy
DSP – Brights Patterns DSP Stack (Tangerine Tango)
Other – Clear Embossing Powder, Decorative Label Punch, Not Quite Navy 3/8″ Taffeta Ribbon
If you’d like to win a FREE pass to the next session of Stampin Fun & Friends then leave me a comment on this post before Sunday 15th.
Catch you back tomorrow.

Blog Candy to give away

By | January 12, 2012

Hi there

The next session for Stampin Fun & Friends (Sweet Spring) is due to start on 1st February until 15th February.  That means I have a FREE pass to give away!  So please leave me a comment and I’ll enter your name in the draw.  The draw will be drawn on Sunday 15th January.


Two for one

By | January 12, 2012

Hi there

Todays card incorporates two challenges – a sketch from Stamping411 and a colour combo from Pals Paper Arts.  I love the combo of Baja Breeze, Not Quite Navy & Very Vanilla.  It’s great when a card just comes together – this is such a great sketch and works well with this stamp.

I’m using this stamp set for all the work birthday cards this year – we manufacture & design weighing systems for heavy machinery such as wheel loaders – so watch out soon for my designs.

Stamp – I Dig You
Card Stock – Not Quite Navy, Very Vanilla
DSP – Subtles (Baja Breeze) Patterns Paper Stack
Ink/Markers – Not Quite Navy, Baja Breeze
Other – Dimensionals, 1 1/2″ Square Punch

Check back soon for some blog candy!

Beyond the Garden

By | January 7, 2012

Hi there

Well it’s been another wet day in Auckland and it looks like the rain is due to continue into next week!

One of the ladies at work has her birthday today – happy birthday Shilpa 🙂  Shilpa enjoys receiving my craft creations and even has a space on her desk called “Paula’s Corner” where she puts everything.  So what better gift than a hand crafted one.

Back in April last year I bought some of the Dilma Tea containers as shown by Paula and I have FINALLY got round to using one of them.  Here it is:

I made 8 cards to match using the Beyond the Garden DSP.  Here are the first four and here are the ones I finished yesterday:

I didn’t put sentiments on any of the cards so that they can be used for any occasion.  I was really pleased with how this project turned out and I’m sure I’ll be making more.

Stamps – Fifth Avenue Floral, Posy Punch, Upsy Daisy
Card Stock – Wild Wasabi, Daffodil Delight, Tangerine Tango, Pacific Point, Melon Mambo, Whisper White
Ink – Wild Wasabi, Daffodil Delight, Tangerine Tango, Pacific Point, Melon Mambo, Pretty in Pink
Other – Melon Mambo Embossing Powder, Eyelet Border Punch, Fancy Flower Punch, Blender Pens, Daffodil Delight Ribbon, Melon Mambo Ribbon (retired)

Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.

Try Stampin on Tuesday #47

By | January 6, 2012

Hi there

This weeks card first started out as a buckle card but when I was putting the pieces together it just didn’t look right so it sat on my craft desk for a few days.  Then on Wednesday morning I checked to see what sketch Cheryl Ann had for us and it all just fell into place 🙂
Here is the sketch:
and here is what I finally came up with:

I had been playing around with my new Flower Garden Embossing Folder and ended inking it up using daubers – not bad for my first attempt.  I then embossed the front of the card stock (I put it in the folder the wrong way but I think it actually looks ok) – here is a closer view:

It also gives an impression from the inside:

Stamp – A Word for You
Card Stock – Melon Mambo, Wild Wasabi, Whisper White
Ink – Melon Mambo, Wild Wasabi
Other – Flower Garden Embossing Folder, Big Shot, Daubers

Well my Christmas break has come to an end and it’s back to work on Monday.  It has been a very relaxing two weeks – not a lot else you can do when it’s pouring with rain outside.  I’ve managed to get some crafting done and read a couple of books.

Catch you back soon with some more cards I’ve made and an altered tin.


Happy New Year & Welcome to 2012

By | January 3, 2012

Hi there

I hope you all had a good New Year’s Eve and are ready for 2012.  I’m looking forward to our big trip to the US later this year to see Phil’s relatives & the Grand Canyon!

Just a quick post of a card I made the other day – one I cased from Karen Barber.

It uses 1″ squares and is a great way to use up your scraps.  I’ve used some retired Tea Party DSP.  It was fun to make and Karen’s instructions are easy to follow.
DSP – Tea Party
Card Stock – Pretty in Pink, Basic Grey, Whisper White

Other – Square Lattice Embossing Folder, Big Shot,  1″ Square Punch, Antique Brad
I’ve been busy today working on my next project for Stampin Fun & Friends which starts next month.  If you would like to join us click here to register with Cheryl Ann.
Well I’d better clean up the craft mess that has spread from my craft space to the dinning room & kitchen!

Last Post for 2011!

By | December 31, 2011

Hi there

This is the last post for 2011 – the year in which I started my bloging journey.  It has been a great year for me in my crafting.  I have gained more confidence thanks to you my fellow blogers 🙂 and in September took the leap and became a Stampin Up! Demo.  I have made some amazing friends this year – some I have met in person and others via blogs and on-line crafting.  I have entered challenges, designed projects and demonstrated at craft events.  Wow what a year.  Thanks to all of you who have posted your creations on your blogs – they have been inspiring.  I am looking forward to what 2012 will bring.

To finish off the year here are some cards I’ve made over the last couple of days:

Stamps – Button Buddies, Flower Fancy, Fifth Avenue Floral, Inspired by Nature
Card Stock – Pacific Point, Wild Wasabi, Daffodil Delight, Tangerine Tango
DSP – Beyond the Garden
Ink/Markers – Garden Green, Wild Wasabi, Pacific Point, Marina Mist, Melon Mambo, Pretty in Pink, Daffodil Delight, Tangerine Tango, Early Espresso
Other – Eyelet Border Punch, Little Leaves Sizzlets Die, Big Shot
Have a fantastic New Year – keep safe and see you back in 2012.

Mojo Monday # 221

By | December 30, 2011

Hi there

Well not long to go now until 2012!

A friend of mine has her birthday tomorrow so yesterday we went out for a coffee.  It was so lovely to take time out and catch up.

I used the layout from Mojo Monday to create my card.

This is the first time I’ve made a circle scallop hinged card.  I used the colour coach for my colour scheme – Wisteria Wonder, Lucky Limeade & Elegant Eggplant.
Stamps – Flower Fest, A Word for You
Card Stock – Wisteria Wonder, Elegant Eggplant, Whisper White
DSP – Cheerful Treat
Ink – Wisteria Wonder, Elegant Eggplant
Other – Wisteria Wonder & Lucky Limeade 3/8″ Ruffled Ribbon, Scallop Circle Die, Big Shot
I hope you are all keeping dry in this lovely summer weather!!