Stampin Fun & Friends – Project Two

By | June 7, 2011

Hi there

As promised here is my take on the second project which was created by Amy – another Kiwi.  This was fun to make and I will definitely be making this again especially once I found out it holds 6 Whittakers long chocolates!  This would make a great gift to give away.  On Sunday we had a family lunch to celebrate Phil & my birthday plus my brothers which is next week.  When my nephew saw this project he immediately said he’d like one for his birthday (which is not until November).  I think the chocolates may have been the inspiration for the comment!

Stamp – Flight of the Butterfly
Cardstock – Chocolate Chip, Pink Pirouette, Very Vanilla
DSP – Candy Lane (retired)
Ink – Riding Hood Red, Chocolate Chip
Other – Chocolate Chip Ribbon, Subtles Brads, Brown Cotton
Check back tomorrow for the Colour Challenge and don’t forget it’s not too late to join us – click here for more details.
Catch you later

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